
Life Stats is a fun exercise to do if you have a few minutes.

Try it by clicking on the link. Then type in your date of birth, and it will give you interesting statistics about your life so far. For example, I’ve lived 22 000 days, I’ve produced over 4 quadrillion cells, and my heart has beaten over 2.5 billion times. No wonder I’m always tired!


Interesting but meaningless facts, because they’re normal for anyone who was born in my year. Further down the stats become meaningful though.

  • The world’s population has increased from 4.6 billion to 9 billion in just 60 years.
  • TheS&P 500 is up 4831%.
  • Extreme poverty has decreased by 82%.
  • Literacy has increased from 66% to 86%.
  • Life expectancy went up by 22 years for everybody.

It’s all very positive … except for these two stats:

  • Only 16% percent more people have electricity
  • There is 29% more CO2 in the atmosphere than when I was born

When I turn 90 in 2050, I’ll do this LifeStats exercise again. I hope to see that everybody will have electricity and that there is less CO2 in the atmosphere than when was born.

That means I have to make the next 30 years count

  • by inspiring others by lowering my own carbon footprint,
  • by aspiring to swop my ICE vehicle for an EV,
  • by spreading useful information about the danger of continued carbon emissions, and,
  • by advocating viable energy alternatives such as solar.

I intend to keep active till I’m 100 years old – my DNA and medical science will make it happen – but I intend to take my morning e-bike ride in a smog-free environment.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, please share the link with a friend. If you didn’t enjoy it, please let me know why.

Tim is a greying redhead who thinks green. He is the author of books on welding, soccer and Herman Charles Bosman

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